// //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free //
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) //
// any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be //
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// Public License (http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html) for more details. //
// //
#include "BZLIB\bzlib.h"
///////////////////////////// GENERAL DEFINITIONS //////////////////////////////
#define unique // Define MAINPROG in single C unit!
#define unique extern
#define VERSIONHI 1 // Major version
#define VERSIONLO 10 // Minor version
#define MAINDX 800 // Max width of the main window, pixels
#define MAINDY 600 // Max height of the main window, pixels
#define TEXTLEN 256 // Maximal length of strings
#define PASSLEN 33 // Maximal length of password, incl. 0
#define AESKEYLEN 24 // AES key length in bytes (16, 24, or 32)
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
unique HINSTANCE hinst; // Application's instance
unique HWND hwmain; // Handle of the main window
/////////////////////////////// DATA PROPERTIES ////////////////////////////////
// Don't change the definitions below! Program may crash if any modified!
#define NDOT 32 // Block X and Y size, dots
#define NDATA 90 // Number of data bytes in a block
#define MAXSIZE 0x0FFFFF80 // Maximal (theoretical) length of file
#define SUPERBLOCK 0xFFFFFFFF // Address of superblock
#define NGROUP 5 // For NGROUP blocks (1..15), 1 recovery
#define NGROUPMIN 2
#define NGROUPMAX 10
typedef struct t_data { // Block on paper
ulong addr; // Offset of the block or special code
uchar data[NDATA]; // Useful data
ushort crc; // Cyclic redundancy of addr and data
uchar ecc[32]; // Reed-Solomon's error correction code
} t_data;
#if sizeof(t_data)!=128
#error t_data: Invalid data alignment
#define PBM_COMPRESSED 0x01 // Paper backup is compressed
#define PBM_ENCRYPTED 0x02 // Paper backup is encrypted
typedef struct t_superdata { // Identification block on paper
ulong addr; // Expecting SUPERBLOCK
ulong datasize; // Size of (compressed) data
ulong pagesize; // Size of (compressed) data on page
ulong origsize; // Size of original (uncompressed) data
uchar mode; // Special mode bits, set of PBM_xxx
uchar attributes; // Basic file attributes
ushort page; // Actual page (1-based)
FILETIME modified; // Time of last file modification
ushort filecrc; // CRC of compressed decrypted file
char name[64]; // File name - may have all 64 chars
ushort crc; // Cyclic redundancy of previous fields
uchar ecc[32]; // Reed-Solomon's error correction code
} t_superdata;
#if sizeof(t_superdata)!=sizeof(t_data)
#error t_superdata: Invalid data alignment
typedef struct t_block { // Block in memory
ulong addr; // Offset of the block
ulong recsize; // 0 for data, or length of covered data
uchar data[NDATA]; // Useful data
} t_block;
typedef struct t_superblock { // Identification block in memory
ulong addr; // Expecting SUPERBLOCK
ulong datasize; // Size of (compressed) data
ulong pagesize; // Size of (compressed) data on page
ulong origsize; // Size of original (uncompressed) data
ulong mode; // Special mode bits, set of PBM_xxx
ushort page; // Actual page (1-based)
FILETIME modified; // Time of last file modification
ulong attributes; // Basic file attributes
ulong filecrc; // 16-bit CRC of decrypted packed file
char name[64]; // File name - may have all 64 chars
int ngroup; // Actual NGROUP on the page
} t_superblock;
///////////////////////////////////// CRC //////////////////////////////////////
ushort Crc16(uchar *data,int length);
////////////////////////// REED-SOLOMON ECC ROUTINES ///////////////////////////
void Encode8(uchar *data,uchar *parity,int pad);
int Decode8(uchar *data, int *eras_pos, int no_eras,int pad);
/////////////////////////////////// PRINTER ////////////////////////////////////
#define PACKLEN 65536 // Length of data read buffer 64 K
typedef struct t_printdata { // Print control structure
int step; // Next data printing step (0 - idle)
char infile[MAXPATH]; // Name of input file
char outbmp[MAXPATH]; // Name of output bitmap (empty: paper)
HANDLE hfile; // Handle of input file
FILETIME modified; // Time of last file modification
ulong attributes; // File attributes
ulong origsize; // Original file size, bytes
ulong readsize; // Amount of data read from file so far
ulong datasize; // Size of (compressed) data
ulong alignedsize; // Data size aligned to next 16 bytes
ulong pagesize; // Size of (compressed) data on page
int compression; // 0: none, 1: fast, 2: maximal
int encryption; // 0: none, 1: encrypt
int printheader; // Print header and footer
int printborder; // Print border around bitmap
int redundancy; // Redundancy
uchar *buf; // Buffer for compressed file
ulong bufsize; // Size of buf, bytes
uchar *readbuf; // Read buffer, PACKLEN bytes long
bz_stream bzstream; // Compression control structure
int bufcrc; // 16-bit CRC of (packed) data in buf
t_superdata superdata; // Identification block on paper
HDC dc; // Printer device context
int frompage; // First page to print (0-based)
int topage; // Last page (0-based, inclusive)
int ppix; // Printer X resolution, pixels per inch
int ppiy; // Printer Y resolution, pixels per inch
int width; // Page width, pixels
int height; // Page height, pixels
HFONT hfont6; // Font 1/6 inch high
HFONT hfont10; // Font 1/10 inch high
int extratop; // Height of title line, pixels
int extrabottom; // Height of info line, pixels
int black; // Palette index of dots colour
int borderleft; // Left page border, pixels
int borderright; // Right page border, pixels
int bordertop; // Top page border, pixels
int borderbottom; // Bottom page border, pixels
int dx,dy; // Distance between dots, pixels
int px,py; // Dot size, pixels
int nx,ny; // Grid dimensions, blocks
int border; // Border around the data grid, pixels
HBITMAP hbmp; // Handle of memory bitmap
uchar *dibbits; // Pointer to DIB bits
uchar *drawbits; // Pointer to file bitmap bits
uchar bmi[sizeof(BITMAPINFO)+256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)]; // Bitmap info
int startdoc; // Print job started
} t_printdata;
unique PAGESETUPDLG pagesetup; // Structure with printer page settings
unique int resx,resy; // Printer resolution, dpi (may be 0!)
unique t_printdata printdata; // Print control structure
void Initializeprintsettings(void);
void Closeprintsettings(void);
void Setuppage(void);
void Stopprinting(t_printdata *print);
void Nextdataprintingstep(t_printdata *print);
void Printfile(char *path,char *bmp);
/////////////////////////////////// DECODER ////////////////////////////////////
#define M_BEST 0x00000001 // Search for best possible quality
typedef struct t_procdata { // Descriptor of processed data
int step; // Next data processing step (0 - idle)
int mode; // Set of M_xxx
uchar *data; // Pointer to bitmap
int sizex; // X bitmap size, pixels
int sizey; // Y bitmap size, pixels
int gridxmin,gridxmax; // Rought X grid limits, pixels
int gridymin,gridymax; // Rought Y grid limits, pixels
int searchx0,searchx1; // X grid search limits, pixels
int searchy0,searchy1; // Y grid search limits, pixels
int cmean; // Mean grid intensity (0..255)
int cmin,cmax; // Minimal and maximal grid intensity
float sharpfactor; // Estimated sharpness correction factor
float xpeak; // Base X grid line, pixels
float xstep; // X grid step, pixels
float xangle; // X tilt, radians
float ypeak; // Base Y grid line, pixels
float ystep; // Y grid step, pixels
float yangle; // Y tilt, radians
float blockborder; // Relative width of border around block
int bufdx,bufdy; // Dimensions of block buffers, pixels
uchar *buf1,*buf2; // Rotated and sharpened block
int *bufx,*bufy; // Block grid data finders
uchar *unsharp; // Either buf1 or buf2
uchar *sharp; // Either buf1 or buf2
float blockxpeak,blockypeak;// Exact block position in unsharp
float blockxstep,blockystep;// Exact block dimensions in unsharp
int nposx; // Number of blocks to scan in X
int nposy; // Number of blocks to scan in X
int posx,posy; // Next block to scan
t_data uncorrected; // Data before ECC for block display
t_block *blocklist; // List of blocks recognized on page
t_superblock superblock; // Page header
int maxdotsize; // Maximal size of the data dot, pixels
int orientation; // Data orientation (-1: unknown)
int ngood; // Page statistics: good blocks
int nbad; // Page statistics: bad blocks
int nsuper; // Page statistics: good superblocks
int nrestored; // Page statistics: restored bytes
} t_procdata;
unique int orientation; // Orientation of bitmap (-1: unknown)
unique t_procdata procdata; // Descriptor of processed data
void Nextdataprocessingstep(t_procdata *pdata);
void Freeprocdata(t_procdata *pdata);
void Startbitmapdecoding(t_procdata *pdata,uchar *data,int sizex,int sizey);
void Stopbitmapdecoding(t_procdata *pdata);
int Decodeblock(t_procdata *pdata,int posx,int posy,t_data *result);
//////////////////////////////// FILE PROCESSOR ////////////////////////////////
#define NFILE 5 // Max number of simultaneous files
typedef struct t_fproc { // Descriptor of processed file
int busy; // In work
// General file data.
char name[64]; // File name - may have all 64 chars
FILETIME modified; // Time of last file modification
ulong attributes; // Basic file attrributes
ulong datasize; // Size of (compressed) data
ulong pagesize; // Size of (compressed) data on page
ulong origsize; // Size of original (uncompressed) data
ulong mode; // Special mode bits, set of PBM_xxx
int npages; // Total number of pages
ulong filecrc; // 16-bit CRC of decrypted packed file
// Properties of currently processed page.
int page; // Currently processed page
int ngroup; // Actual NGROUP on the page
ulong minpageaddr; // Minimal address of block on page
ulong maxpageaddr; // Maximal address of block on page
// Gathered data.
int nblock; // Total number of data blocks
int ndata; // Number of decoded blocks so far
uchar *datavalid; // 0:data invalid, 1:valid, 2:recovery
uchar *data; // Gathered data
// Statistics.
int goodblocks; // Total number of good blocks read
int badblocks; // Total number of unreadable blocks
ulong restoredbytes; // Total number of bytes restored by ECC
int recoveredblocks; // Total number of recovered blocks
int rempages[8]; // 1-based list of remaining pages
} t_fproc;
unique t_fproc fproc[NFILE]; // Processed files
void Closefproc(int slot);
int Startnextpage(t_superblock *superblock);
int Addblock(t_block *block,int slot);
int Finishpage(int slot,int ngood,int nbad,ulong nrestored);
int Saverestoredfile(int slot,int force);
/////////////////////////////////// SCANNER ////////////////////////////////////
unique int twainstate; // According to TWAIN specifications
int Decodebitmap(char *path);
int SelectTWAINsource(void);
int OpenTWAINmanager(void);
int OpenTWAINinterface(void);
int CloseTWAINmanager(void);
int PassmessagetoTWAIN(MSG *msg);
int LoadTWAINlibrary(void);
void CloseTWAINlibrary(void);
/////////////////////////////////// CONTROLS ///////////////////////////////////
#define MAINCLASS "P2DMAIN" // Name of the class of main window
#define DATAFRAMECLASS "P2DATAFRAME" // Name of the class of data frame
#define DISPLAYCLASS "P2DDISPL" // Name of the class of display window
#define PROGRESSCLASS "P2DPROGRESS" // Name of the class of progress window
#define BUTTONFRAME "P2BTNFRAME" // Name of the class of button frame
#define INFOFRAMECLASS "P2INFOFRAME" // Name of the class of info frame
#define INFOBTNCLASS "P2INFOBTNS" // Name of the class of info btn holder
#define BLOCKSELCLASS "P2BLOCKSEL" // Name of the class of block selector
#define DELTA 3 // Distance between panels in main window
#define BUTTONDY 32 // Height of the buttons
// Display modes.
#define DISP_QUALITY 0 // Display quality map
#define DISP_BLOCK 1 // Display block image
unique HBRUSH graybrush; // Button face brush (usually gray)
void Reporterror(char *text);
void Message(char *text,int percent);
void Updatebuttons(void);
void Setdisplaymode(int mode);
void Initqualitymap(int nx,int ny);
void Addblocktomap(int x,int y,int nrestored);
void Displayblockimage(t_procdata *pdata,int posx,int posy,
int answer,t_data *result);
int Changeblockselection(WPARAM wp);
void Updatefileinfo(int slot,t_fproc *fproc);
int Createcontrols(void);
////////////////////////////// SERVICE FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////
int Filetimetotext(FILETIME *fttime,char *s,int n);
int Selectinfile(void);
int Selectoutfile(char defname[64]);
int Selectinbmp(void);
int Selectoutbmp(void);
void Clearqueue(void);
int Getqueuefreecount(void);
int Addfiletoqueue(char *path,int isbitmap);
int Getfilefromqueue(char *path);
//////////////////////////////// USER INTERFACE ////////////////////////////////
unique char infile[MAXPATH]; // Last selected file to read
unique char outbmp[MAXPATH]; // Last selected bitmap to save
unique char inbmp[MAXPATH]; // Last selected bitmap to read
unique char outfile[MAXPATH]; // Last selected data file to save
unique char password[PASSLEN]; // Encryption password
unique int dpi; // Dot raster, dots per inch
unique int dotpercent; // Dot size, percent of dpi
unique int compression; // 0: none, 1: fast, 2: maximal
unique int redundancy; // Redundancy (NGROUPMIN..NGROUPMAX)
unique int printheader; // Print header and footer
unique int printborder; // Border around bitmap
unique int autosave; // Autosave completed files
unique int bestquality; // Determine best quality
unique int encryption; // Encrypt data before printing
unique int opentext; // Enter passwords in open text
unique int marginunits; // 0:undef, 1:inches, 2:millimeters
unique int marginleft; // Left printer page margin
unique int marginright; // Right printer page margin
unique int margintop; // Top printer page margin
unique int marginbottom; // Bottom printer page margin
void Options(void);
int Confirmpassword();
int Getpassword(void);